ROCK HILL, SC: Members of Rock Hill’s arts community are joining with downtown businesses to hold the 2nd annual “Art Party” in South Carolina’s first state-recognized cultural district. From November 16-18, local and regional artists will showcase their work at locations throughout Old Town Rock Hill, SC.
Thursday night, November 16th will open with the art auction of the Winthrop
University Union of Student Artists. Friday night November 17th will feature
“All the Dogs and Horses,” a psychedelic Western performance by XOXO Ensemble Performance. The events culminate on Saturday night, November 18th with “Shindig,” a dinner party featuring writer and Pulitzer finalist Tommy Tomlinson and music by Elonzo Wesley. These events will be in the courtroom of the Gettys Art Center.
Friday and Saturday will feature open studios and art exhibitions at various
business and public locations in Old Town Rock Hill, SC; as well as seminars
on Saturday morning featuring topics related to the arts, led by local artists.
Nationally-recognized artist Harriet Marshall Goode served as juror for this
year’s juried exhibition.
Participating organizations and businesses include Gallery 5, Legal Remedy,
The White Home, SBR Cycling, Joe’s Video Games, Friends Books on Main,
The Newsstand, Main Street Bottle Shop, Five & Dine, Winthrop University
Union of Student Artists, Overhead Station, the Arts Council of York County
and Friday Arts Project.
“Last year, when we launched ART PARTY! we had less than half the
number of artists, businesses, and organizations that we have involved this
year” said Friday Arts Project director, Kirk Irwin. “To have that kind of growth
in just 12 months is exciting, and shows not only the development of downtown Rock Hill, but also the growth of the art community. And the arts are vital to a healthy community.”
Friday Arts Project’s vision is that Beauty exists where Truth and Goodness meet Mystery. It is an Arts collective curating conversation and fostering craft to call forth a fully human community. Friday Arts Project is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. For more information, visit:
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Support for this project is provided by the Arts Council of York County Small Grants Program, the John and Susan Bennett Memorial Arts Fund of the Coastal Community Foundation of SC, and the SC Arts Commission, which received funding from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Media Contact: Kirk Irwin
c. 646-261-2847