Form and Truth in the Age of AI
Form and Truth in the Age of AI

Form and Truth in the Age of AI
Form and Truth in the Age of AI
A Crisis of Beauty:
Form and Truth in the Age of AI
David McGaw, Design Strategist
A poet once told us that “Beauty is truth, truth beauty,” and that still feels more or less right. We often take beauty in form as evidence of careful creation, depth of thought—even of validity. But with the rise of generative AI tools, formal excellence—in writing, imagery, or rich audio/visual media today—is easier than ever to achieve.
As AI gains capabilities, and multiplies the skills of creators, is beauty still a proxy for truth? How should lovers of art engage with beauty when they seek truth? Should critics rethink aesthetics? What should makers make, if a machine can do the same?
We’ll explore these questions at the intersection of technology and art in a presentation and discussion led by David McGaw, a design strategist in a leading Silicon Valley AI company.
This event is free.
However, space is limited*
Hosted by Rock Hill Coffee Roasters, and sponsored by Friday Arts Project and Resurrection Anglican Church of Rock Hill, SC.